This past week I have seen more of the library than I have of my apartment. Final are next week and will basically determine if I will pass the class or not. I have already taken my photography final and will easily pass with a B and two days ago I had my last exam for Chemistry which worried me because I knew I didnt do well (like I have on every chemistry test). I was able to look at my scores for the year and see my final grade, since the final for Chemistry is optional and will replace my lowest exam score, and I have somehow passed with a C. I have never had a class that required so much studying and time put into it. I have to be honest, I was not sure I was going to pass this class, but because of the grading curve I guess I am one of many students who doesn't do so well on the exams.
However, my Calculus class has also been tough this year and I am not so sure if I will pass it either. My Engineering class I have done well in and probably have a B in it as of now. But it will all depend on how I do on the final.
So untill Tuesday of next week rolls around, it looks like I will be seeing a lof of the library again. I cannot wait for christmas break to roll around!
Also, First Descents is accepting applications for camp in 2009! So if you fit the age criteria and are a cancer survivor definitely give it a go. They have two new camps this summer! I believe they are in Wisconsin and Oregon. I am leaning on going to Idaho because it is said to have the best whitewater and its warmer. Key word there is warmer. No more dry suits for me, ha even though I loved Montana.
I send my love to everyone!
Good luck on your exams! I will be taking them Monday and Wednesday myself and presenting a big art project monday!
Isn't "At The Library" college code/slang for "Out Carousing"? It's hard to get excited when your son calls to tell you he got a 40 out of 80 on a test and when I ask if he would do anything different he says "NO"!. I am very greatful he is alive and able to fail on a test. "50% THAT'S AWESOME"!
At least the library is warm! We are anxious for your Christmas break, too - Kelsey is missing her big brother and you can do your own laundry for a couple of weeks!
Love, Mom
I am very impressed at your grades. Looks as though your "chemo memory" has passed. Phew!! The subjects you're taking are some of the hardest - so RIGHT ON NICK - WAY TO GO!!! Hope you have a truly wonderful Christmas (even though you'll be doing your own laundry). See you in the New Year - keep up the good work and keep enjoying life. With Love F.G. Jennie xx
Don't feel to bad about Chemistry and calculus. Ashley had calculus last year and struggled through it too, it is a hard class. She has Chemistry this semester and had a heck of a time, in fact she just finished her final a few minutes ago. She also said it was the hardest class that she has taken. GOOD JOB making it through the semester. Have a wonderful Christmas break.
Dear Nick,
The first thought that came to my mind after reading this posting is "Life is one continual test". A year ago you were undergoing medical tests. Today, academic tests. Sounds like physical tests next summer at First Descents. God knows what tests you will face in the future and thankfully He will help you. I look forward to hearing about God's grace and your accomplishments through Him in your future postings. Godspeed. Love, aunt Chris
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