Monday, January 5, 2009

9 months remission

So once again I have been blessed with clear scans. I knew as I was walking in to get my CT scan that they would be clear because the nice lady taking my scans had the same birthday as me and I just had a positive feeling about it.
My 20th birthday is this on the 17th of this month and I will also be starting my second semester of school a week from today. I have decided to take generals this semester and make sure I know what I wanna do before continuing to pursue Engineering. I am pretty excited to see how my Triathalon Training goes for me. I hope it is challenging and fun at the same time. 
Also, I would like to state that my fellow Utes ARE the #1 team in the nation and had an awesome game against Alabama. My first semester as a Ute was one of the funnest/craziest times of my life that has taught me a lot about life and have made me grow up a lot more. Its crazy to think I will be 20 in a couple weeks, which I think is a weird age cause your not a teenager anymore but yet your not 21. So its kinda like your a minor with adult responsibilities and expectations.
Well thats all I can think of for now. Thank you again for everyone who has kept me in their prayers and keep others in their prayers. There is always someone who could use a prayer.
p.s. I have just recently started to drink these weight gainer protein shakes that contain 1500 calories in them. They are pretty thick and usually make me wanna lay around the house for the rest of the day but hopefully I start to put on some pounds!  Ha 



Lori Brower said...

Nick, I take my hat (the anxiety one) off to you!

Today is a great day!

Love Mom

Anonymous said...

YIPPEE!!! That's what we like - clear scans. You are the "Miracle Man" and I give thanks every day for your good health. I hope 2009 will be a wonderful year for you. Enjoy my sunshine - enjoy!!! With Love F.G. Jennie xx

Anonymous said...

January 17th - Happy Birthday Nick. Great news! Your CT Scans show a clean past and your College Courses show a bright future. Stan and I just returned from our trip to the Holy Lands. Very humbling. So much to learn and so little time - probably the same way you feel about college semesters. I'll leave you with a bible passage I read today - on your birthday and most appropriate for what you said in this posting.

I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart. I will tell all the miracles you have done. I will be happy because of you; God Most High, I will sing praises to your name. Psalm 9:1-2

Love, aunt Chris