Sunday, March 8, 2009

Relay for Life

As you may know I was asked to speak at the Relay for Life kic-off event this Saturday, and I am thrilled to say that I did not cry during my speach. I can feel myself getting better at sharing my story everytime I tell it.
After the event was over and people began to leave, Jaimie (who runs the davis country relay) came up to me and asked me if I wanted to be their poster boy. After talking a little more with her what a poster boy is, she explained to me that they would like to take some pictures of myself with a child and use it for their advertisements. I was happy to help... so looks like other than a public speaking career, a modeling career is now a choice. Ha just kidding.
But all in all the kick-off event was a success and I had a good time. Now I am off to school to write papers and stuff.


Anonymous said...

Nick - all I can say is that I am so proud of you. The work you are doing to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer is truly amazing. Lori - ditto on the above to you too! Your story and your dedication touch the hearts of so many people - even people who don't know you. Keep up the great work and keep being your wonderful self. With Love Always - GM Jennie xx

Anonymous said...

Hey Handsome - next posting we are going to learn that you have an agent. Speaking of writing some papers and stuff - you might consider adding "author" to your list of careers. I'm also glad to hear you are getting better at sharing your story. My free advice is "never stop giving God praise and honor" when telling your story. And if your audience sees tears in your eyes, they'll know that they are "tears of gratitude". Love, aunt Chris