Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Not so fast...

We met with Dr. Andtbacka this afternoon. He was grinning as he told us when he received the good news about Nick last week - it was in the middle of the night (in Australia) and he jumped out of bed to view the scans himself. He said they, as doctors, rarely see something so remarkable.

Nick has a nasty cold right now and having just come off 3 rounds of chemo, Dr. A. thought Nick might want to consider taking some time for his body to get stronger and postpone the laproscopy until the 30th - go ahead and enjoy Thanksgiving. Nick thought it sounded like a good idea.

If the laproscopy finds any tumor left, Dr. A. will snatch a bit to have biopsied, which will take a few days to get the results. At that time, Dr. A. will discuss the results with Dr. Lambert and determine what is the next step sometime in the first week of December. So basically, Nick has the next 2 1/2 weeks off for some R & R and we'll figure out the rest later.

Thanksgiving at home after all!!!!!! Sounds terrific!!!!!!!!!!!

With love,



Anonymous said...

Sounds like a plan. So now Nick - get over your cold and enjoy some strength building. I'm sure you're all ready for a little rest. Love to you all - GM Jennie xx

Chris Ulvin said...

Dear Lori and family,
Stan and I will be home for Thanksgiving too! Home is where the heart is so we will all be in good company. May Nick and company have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Love, aunt Chris

sdigerolamo said...

YEA!!!!!! What incredible news!!!! I bet you will be thrilled to have Thanksgiving at home, and I am so glad to hear the surprising news!!! We love it when the doctors are happily surprised, as it was with us last May as well. I am praying for all results to show NED!!!! I hope Nick feels better soon.

Chris Ulvin said...

Dear Nick,
I love the statement "rarely see something so remarkable!" That is you Nick! I also saw something today while looking through stacks of papers, an email from you explaining "cowboy up" back in June 2007.
I quote you: "Cowboy up was a term which I first heard from my best friend Rob who grew up in Wyoming and has heard the term many times from his dad and other cowboys. It never had any real meaning to me until I was diagnosed with my cancer, and thats when I knew what it really meant to me. To me a real cowboy is someone who will get back on his horse after being bucked off it, and continue riding it with courage and confidence. Thats how I see my life right now. I see the riding part before being bucked of as my life growing up, and my diagnosis with cancer as the part where I am bucked off. Now what I have to do is get back on the horse and continue to live life with confidence and courage cancer free. To me, thats what "cowboy up" means.
Keep riding Nick. May God keep your butt in the saddle for a long, long time - cancer free. Amen.
Love, aunt Chris