Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Races

So last weekend I had my first dirt bike race ever. It was definitely a cool experience and I have not felt all that adrenaline run through my body in a long time. I was able to get my number 212 which was cool even though my numbers were electrical tape. HA I will get some real numbers soon. My dirt bike is mainly designed for trail riding and not racing. So it was funny to be the only rider out there with a headlight and taillight. Even with the extra weight and headlight I finished 15 out of 25 on my final heat and 17th overall. So I was satisfied with my first race and have another one this friday.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter where you finished.
It was being able to start that counts!

Oh, by the way,
(That's The Montreal Canadiens for all you anglos out there)
See you soon in SLC.

Daniel Longmore said...

Your blog is an inspiration. My 23 year old niece Pamela Longmore was recently diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma and is just beginning her treatment. We will continue to monitor your blog and watch for your continued success.

Lori said...

Sounds like a wonderful first race. Good luck on Friday.

Anonymous said...

Nick, my name is Brooke and I'm 19 years old. I was diagnosed with the exact same type of cancer as you when I was 8 years old. I have been in remission ever since and doing great. I know exactly what you have been going through and I just want you to know that you're not alone and things only get better from here on. I think this blog that you are doing is a great inspiration for other people who are battling a disease like cancer. My mom ran across it and was so surprised that she found someone my age that had gone through what I had. Congratulations on making it to remission. I know it is a great feeling. If you ever want to talk to someone I would be happy to talk to you. My email address is Good luck with everything and maybe I'll talk to you soon!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Nick,
After reading your recent posting - I wondered "What does the Bible say about competition?" It actually says a lot. The one I liked best is Colossians 3:23 -
Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.

This verse made me reflect on the recent women's college softball game between Central Washington and Oregan State during which two Central Washington players carried the opposing team hitter around the bases so that her first ever home run hit counted. I have attached a link for a story our cousin Matt Calkins wrote about this phenomenon:

We should work hard to do our best, not to beat others. Our best honors the God who created us. I can proudly say my nephew Nick did his best last weekend and will do the same this Friday - headlights and all. Love, aunt Chris