Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Official Team Sarcoma Update

Reposted from an email received 8/4/08 from the founder of "Team Sarcoma - The Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative"

You may be interested in the following press release which was made available on the web early this morning:

8,000 People Join the Team Sarcoma Initiative to Fight a Rare Cancer

"From its humble beginnings in 2003, when seven people who called themselves "Team Sarcoma" biked 200 miles in Louisiana, the Team Sarcoma Initiative has become an international movement. More than 8,000 people worldwide participated in this year's Initiative, surpassing the 3,400 who participated last year. Events in 14 countries were hosted by individuals, advocacy groups and medical centers seeking to raise awareness of sarcoma, a cancer that affects hundreds of thousands of people worldwide." ...

For the complete press release, see http://tinyurl.com/59e3fc . You may know some of the patients, survivors, caregivers and physicians that are quoted in it.

For the list of all the organizations involved, see http://tinyurl.com/4znxd8

For a list of all the events that took place, see http://tinyurl.com/6jc9nb

You might also be interested in two earlier press releases that give additional perspectives on this effort both of which also contain quotations from a number of patients, survivors, caregivers and physicians.

1. Medical Centers and Concerned Groups Unite in the International Team Sarcoma Initiative: http://tinyurl.com/6jq4fs

2. Patients, Survivors, and Caregivers Worldwide Band Together to Fight a Rare Cancer: http://tinyurl.com/5hba9e

If you are interested in forming a team in the 2009 Team Sarcoma Initiative (July 18-26, 2009) and being a part of this international effort, please contact me at shriver@genesis2.com.

Best regards,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Nick and family,
July 18-26, 2009 is on my calendar. I'm thinking our church could organize a Prayer Vigil for Sarcoma Eradication. I'll contact Bruce Shriver to learn if any group is already planning a prayer event. I quote E.M. Bounds "Prayer cannot be retired to a secondary force in this world. To do so is to retire God from the movement. It is to make God secondary." Godspeed to all patients, families, doctors, nurses, medical personnel, and cancer advocates who have been touched by sarcoma.
Love, aunt Chris