Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Uh oh...

Nick was in Vail last week as a counselor with First Descents - he had a marvelous time (he'll post soon with details and pictures). On Saturday, Aug 14th, he headed home and called us on the road. I asked him if he wanted to stop in Payson (an hour south of Salt Lake) and watch Kelsey play in a championship softball game. He said sure and added the dreaded words, "I'm not feeling so good." He found a lump in his left lower abdomen and has been having some digestive issues the past couple of weeks.

I was very upset until he arrived; then I could hug him, touch him, and look him in the eyes - I felt much better. He was already scheduled for a PET on Mon, 23rd - which was subsequently denied due to Medicaid guidelines. He is also scheduled for an MRI of his head and neck on Wed, 25th. I had already called Huntsman last week to try and change the MRI of his head to an MRI of his abdomen. We called again this Monday and asked for immediate help. He was scheduled for a CT on Thurs, 19th unless he couldn't wait; he couldn't wait so we went in this morning (unfortunately, Dr. Gouw is on vacation this week).

The doctor that saw Nick this morning ruled out infection (although he has been running a low-grade fever off and on) and anything with the upper abdomen. Dr found the lump Nick found, and a second one. He thinks it might be lymph nodes - Nick is having pain on both sides. Could be a blockage in his small intestine, could be complications from his pancreas not working properly, could be a million things. Labs looked good, however and his fatigue isn't too bad. Now we wait until he has his CT done tomorrow morning (Nick has reactions to the iv contrast so he has to pre-medicate 13 hours in advance of scan, which is why he couldn't have one done today.)

So, please pray for Nick - scan is at 8:45 a.m. with a doctors appointment at 11:00 to discuss results.

Until then, we wait...



Anonymous said...

Fingers, legs, arms and eyes are crossed. Prayers are always said. This must drive you crazy Nick... good luck tomorrow with the scan. Looking forward to hearing all about Vail. Love - GM Jennie xx

Lorin Decker Buck said...

" ... could be a million things ... " -- meaning it could be a million things OTHER than rhabdo. There are so many false alarms post-treatment, as we both know. I'm keeping you all in my prayers, asking that this new development has an easy fix.

The other Lori B