Nick typing......
So today I had ran down to the Huntsman Cancer Institute again for my first day of radiation. We got there around 11 a.m. to do some blood work first. It was supposed to be a real quick thing since I already have a "hickman" port in my chest that they can use like an iv, but it ended up taking longer since only certain nurses are allowed to draw blood from them. Oh well....
Finally about 45 minutes later I finally checked into radiation where my dad was waiting at the front desk working on someone's unfinished jigsaw puzzle. He was amazed to see how much improvement has gone on with my eye. He says the last time he saw me was two days ago and the swelling still seems to go down. This only made me smile and reply...... "I told you, I'm tough!" Ha ha.
Minutes later I was pulled into the back and given my first treatment of radiation. It took maybe 20 minutes and was completely painless and easy to do. Its basically a huge x-ray type machine that shoots radiation rays into a designated area. Its pretty cool and slick how the entire thing is done. I have to wear a silly mask thing that straps my head to this table and the machine does all the work. I will have to go through 5 weeks of this everyday (except saturdays and sundays) at 6 p.m. at Huntsman. It may seem long but it really isn't too bad. At least compared to the chemotherapy, which is estimated to take a year. I tell everyone though that 6 months will be plenty long if I keep on fighting my cancer the way I want to. Ha. I dont mess around!
Thanks again to everyone who has shown their support and love! Keep in touch!
Dear Nick
Your dad called me at work today sharing how great you looked - He was so excited and thankful and amazed - he must have just finished seeing you at your radiation appointment - I would like to see a picture of you wearing that radiation mask - does it feel anything like a hockey goalie mask? Thanks for keeping us updated - Let us know of any prayer requests - I've got an extensive email list of friends and family who are praying for you daily - lets keep them busy. May God bless Week #2 with even more amazing accomplishments. Love, Aunt Chris
Hi Nick!
I am a friend of your dad's from California. We met at this time last year at a jazz event in Newport Beach. I wrote yesterday explaining who I am and sending along words of encouragement and my prayers for a continuation of your miracle. I am hoping your dad might have forwarded the too-long-for-a-blog message. I am a cancer survivor ten years out, was a stage four back then. I see that you are more than a fighter and giving it all you've got and more. Your character is to be admired and the miracles so far are more than encouraging. From the love of so many friends and so much family, your plan for the Vic look you are facing this head on. Your strength will see you through. God bless your courage and attitude. You are truly a success at life, as is your father.
Lynn Olson from CA
Nick & Lori,
Thank you so much for posting Nick's progress - I have been following it everyday. I am so happy and relieved that the chemo is working and that you have not had many bad side-effects!
My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you all non-stop. Nick, I know with your positive attitude and all the love and prayers surrounding you that you can beat this cancer. I truly believe in miracles--I've had them happen to me!!
Keep up the fight and if you ever need anything, I'm just a phone call away. Love, Beci :)
Hi Nick
I am Ken Guard, one of the members of Lee's QLN group. I was with Lee and your Mom out in Salt Lake City last week when I learned from them about your situation. You know, there are dozens of us who are friends who are praying for you. Maybe you heard about David Neenan? He is a friend of Lee's and his daughter just pulled through a very serious scare. A bunch of us prayed for her a lot, and I am sure God was working with her doctors as he will with yours. I'll check your blog every day and I'll pray every night. Best wishes. Ken Guard
Thanks for lunch today - as always an absolute pleasure being with you. We are so very happy that all is going good and that you came through your first chemo with flying colors. Your positive attitude, sense of humor and strength will help you get through your "war" (cancer sucks!!). Each day we surround you in love, light and healing. If anyone can "Cowboy Up" its you! Luv you - chat soon. Dean & Jennie
hey nick! you look like a rockstar! keep it up. Hopefully you and the family can make it to the next Fam. Reuion in Nebraska. It would be awesome to see you. But just rememeber we are all here for you.
love always,
Good Night Nick
You are on my heart when I wake up in the morning and in my prayers when I go to bed at night. I appreciated the new picture you posted - and I can't wait to see the "Day I Finished Going to the Hospital" Picture. I wanted to tell you about a special experience I had at your log home the Tuesday everyone was waiting to get your biopsy results. I found your bible and sat in the livingroom - reading it and adding more prayers to the Family Prayer Quilt. I'm working on learning how to listen for God. Selecting a regular time and place, reading the Bible and be a listening heart are tools that equip us to hear God. I encourage you to talk to God and practice listening. You definitely have the writing skills to share with all of us who visit your Blogspot what God is saying to you. May you sleep well tonight, have a blessed new day and and feel all the love that is being sent your way. Love, Aunt Chris
Happy Sunday - August 29, 2010 - as I post on this Monday from your past. Faith assures me tomorrow's Monday - August 30, 2010 - is already covered by God's grace.
May God continue to answer all our prayers with an immediate "Yes, I will heal and deliever Nick from his cancer invasion". May God bless you in your week ahead. In the hands of God, amazing things happen in just six days.
Love, aunt Chris
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